Feast day of our lady blessed Virgin Mary April 13, saint st. Mary of the vows, Santa maria de dei voti, saint Mary the crowned, dell incoronata, Madonna who said Mantua is mine and as mine I will always protect it,  Madonna Incoronata, Mary the crowned, st. Anselm, st. Mary of the vows

Feast Day - April 13

The Madonna who said Mantua is mine and as mine, I would always protect it

The Gonzaga family built the current shrine to Our Lady of Mantua in the year 1460. There is a miraculous painting of Our Lady holding the baby Jesus that is known to have been venerated since about the year 1000. This statue is originally known as Saint Mary of the Vows. 

According to legend, the history of the site dates back to Saint Anselm's time. At that time the Blessed Virgin Mary had promised her protection for the city. Beginning in 1477, news spread that before the image, numerous miracles had occurred, so that by then substantial offerings began to pour into the church (which brings about the name of Santa Maria dei Voti). 

After the plague of 1630, which swept through the city and its environs, princess Maria Gonzaga, regent of the Duchy, wanted to entrust herself, her dynasty, and the state to the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The princess was determined to place herself, her son Charles II and the states of Mantua and of Monferrate under the special protection of Mary. She commanded that the image of Our Lady be carried in procession through the streets of the city, and desired that the image be solemnly crowned in the Basilica of Saint Andrea, as the Queen of the Mantua.

The solemn coronation of Our Lady commonly called Santa Maria dei Voti was strongly urged by the pious princess Maria Gonzaga in the year 1640, when the dam of the Po River in Italy broke. With great solemnity, the coronation took place on November 28, 1640. 

Since then, the church and the painted picture of Santa Maria dei Voti were named dell’Incoronata, or ‘Saint Mary the Crowned,’ and the annual festival was fixed on the first Sunday after the feast of Saint Martin, November 11. On this occasion, but also during the month of May, which is traditionally dedicated to Marian devotion, the dell’Incoronata is exposed in the cathedral, covered in sumptuous dresses dating from the seventeenth century. 

The three following centenary years in particular saw an unanimous and grateful expression of love on the part of the Mantuans, who still venerate the Madonna “Incoronata,” the Madonna who said, “Mantua is mine, and as mine I will always protect it.”

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